NY Yeshivas Giving Back as Part of Tradition Is Important

Stephen Odzer

February 27, 2021

Stephen Odzer Says NY Yeshivas Giving Back as Part of Tradition Is Important

Stephen Odzer was part of one of the first acts of COVID-19-related generosity by New York yeshivas.


The Jewish community was early to respond to PPE shortage in New York and elsewhere in the country. Stephen Odzer helped kickstart the effort of one yeshiva that wanted to help the health care professionals in its area.


Stephen Odzer Commends Local NY Yeshiva’s Early Contributions


At Beit Medrash of Great Neck, the yeshiva became the temporary operation center for generous donations to help those in need during the pandemic. The institution’s parking lot became a staging ground for relief supplies. Personal protective equipment was then distributed to area hospitals desperately short on supplies.


Stephen Odzer engaged the yeshiva in this mid-March relief effort. Stephen Odzer, the CEO of Adiva Industries,  is located in Nevada. However, Odzer has close ties to the New York area and wanted to contribute to the city in crisis.


People Still Need Help, Stephen Odzer Urges


Americans have been impacted by the pandemic in many ways, says Stephen Odzer. Many families rely on their stimulus checks to make ends meet. For anyone who has extra cash or steady work right now, there are plenty of opportunities to give to charities dedicated to COVID-19 relief. Below we will discuss the charities that have the highest ratings and how to get in touch with them to make a donation.


These are just a few of the charities dedicated to COVID-19 relief efforts in the United States and around the globe:


  • The CDC Foundation works to help those affected by epidemics worldwide. This includes coronavirus and other widespread health issues.
  • Americares supplies medical relief and PPE to workers on the front lines of the pandemic.
  • Heart to Heart International donates medication and healthcare supplies to institutions in need around the world.
  • Countries with poor infrastructure for health care were among the hardest hit by the pandemic. Partners In Health provides medical assistance to devastated communities.
  • Preemptive Love Coalition assists with the needs of refugees quarantined due to COVID-19.


Stephen Odzer commends those with a generous heart always looking to do more. It’s that spirit of cooperation and humanity that sets people and organizations apart, Stephen Odzer said. Not everyone can give and those who need help may be reluctant to ask for it. If you know anyone who needs a helping hand, lend it or point them in the right direction for help, he urged.